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The Rhetoric of Eugenics in Anglo-American Thought grew out of Marouf
Hasian's doctoral dissertation at the University of Georgia and has been
published as part of the University of Georgia Humanities Center Series on
Science and the Humanities. This series seeks to make available to non-academic
readers scholarship in the history, aesthetics, and ethics of science and
technology. It also seeks to offer discussion in areas such as "the social
consequences of scientific research and knowledge ... and the study of Western
and non-Western conceptions of nature." In this last wish, The Rhetoric of
Eugenics in Anglo-American Thought certainly succeeds, for although it is
concerned with discussions of eugenics solely in the United States and England,
it carefully explores "countercultural" arguments in those countries, offering
a rich and thoughtful view of a tradition involving a highly political use of
Hasian isn't especially interested in right or wrong. He is more interested in
describing the many definitions of "eugenics" used by the different people and
groups that appropriated the term, showing that strict, "hard-line" notions of
eugenics were, in fact, widely challenged. Analyzing eugenical perspectives as
"rhetorical fragments" and discussing public discourse in terms of
"ideographs", "myths," and "narratives," he shows that strict eugenical ideas
were strongly system-supportive and very much took their quality from the
social and political environment in which they arose and became objects of
great attention. He is unsentimental about the popularity of even hard-line
eugenical thinking in England and the United States, and he is careful to note
that modern abhorrence of the term has more to do with a historical desire of
Anglo-Americans to distance themselves from the "excesses" of Germany than any
actual distaste for the rationales that underlay those "excesses."
Hasian discusses the history of "eugenics," from the coining of the term to the
way that it captured the imagination of societies beginning to explore the
implications of Darwin's theory of
evolution. He describes eugenics as a natural complement to social Darwinism
and a notion quite in line with contemporary English and American ideas about
class and duty to the State. He also offers a summary of eight clusters of
ideas associated with different interpretations of the term "eugenics." He
then goes on to discuss the countercultural arguments mounted to challenge
hard-line eugenical thinking: African-American responses, women's responses,
Catholic responses, and liberal responses. Finally, he discusses the eugenical
implications of the Human Genome
For Hasian, the appeal of eugenics in English and American minds has never
diminished but only taken on new names. From Francis Galton through
Charles Davenport and Harry Laughlin and right up to Murray and Herrnstein, the
only significant challenge in Anglo-American thought to the value of eugenics
has been some semantic backpedaling to make sense of Nazi Germany. In the
meantime, genetics has burst forth, able to offer a way to combine "democratic"
values and deliberate improvement of humans by "geneticizing" social problems
and urging parents to "choose" their [eugenically fit] offspring with tools
such as amniocentesis and gene therapy. Hasian is obviously sympathetic with
the arguments of Daniel
Kevles, for whom discussions of genetic engineering clearly belong in
discussions about eugenics. And while he is no Jeremy Rifkin, he is certainly
cautious when James Watson (yes, that Watson), first director of the
Human Genome Project, warns that it is an "act of true moral cowardice to allow
children to be born with known genetic defects."
For people involved in genetics research and medical genetics, it may seem
farfetched to imagine that working to treat or eradicate serious genetic
disorders could somehow be misconstrued as laying the groundwork for the
engineering of a better human or for using genetic information to deny
resources to the ostensibly equal members of our society. The rhetoric has
flown fast and furious, however, and the existence of research that points to
genetic origins for behaviors of all types naturally begs some of the same
questions that once cowered under the umbrella of social Darwinism. Whether
today's issues are brought up by books like The Bell Curve or the denial
of healthcare insurance or, worse yet, jobs on the basis of genetic
information, the phenomenon is the same: wanting to make hard-and-fast rules
for society based on the promise of some perfect, "objective" science. Hasian's
careful treatments of the views of various groups that have struggled against
this threat over the past century makes for a sobering read and a timely
warning against complacency.
Links about eugenics, some history and some opinion