Kim Westerman, originally from North Carolina, has lived in Tucson
for 10 years. She explores the North-Central region of Arizona, including enigmatic
Sedona, for Fodor's Travel Guides every year. On a recent visit, she learned
that her aura is green.
She also reviews restaurants for AZ
Starnet, the online version of the Arizona Daily Star, and writes a weekly
wine Q&A. Her freelance work has been published in The New York Times, Q San
Francisco, and Tucson Gourmet.
She has an MFA in Poetry and teaches in the English Department at the University
of Arizona.
She travels to Italy on each and every possible occasion.
Food Most Craved on Trips to Italy: salsa
Favorite Wine: Brunello di Montalcino
Homemade Dessert Most Requested by Friends: cajeta (Mexican goat milk
caramel) ice cream
Strangest Food Ever Tasted: formaggio alle verme, a Sardinian sheep's
milk cheese with live worms
Favorite Food: tomatoes in any form
Favorite Quote: "The roads of excess lead to the palace of wisdom"
- William Blake